Monday, October 12, 2009

3 weeks later

Well it's been 3 weeks since my surgery.  Went back to work last week. It was a long week...not because I was in pain...just was emotionally up and down. I think just from being tired and then jumping back into the stress of work. We are only working for 4 days a week and last week I was grateful for that. Needless to say, I didn't do anything on Friday!

I had my 2 week check up last week and Dr. said I am doing great! I'm still alternating between the pain med and Ibuprofen.  Eating really good....Saturday I even had half of a chili cheese dog and chili cheese tots from was SO good.  I just cut everything up in baby bites.

I have soreness off and on as well as the spasms...still no feeling in the chin.  I'm really sore under my chin/upper part of my neck...I can barely touch it. The splint is a little annoying, especially trying to clean it.  What's weird is for the last 2 days I have this desire to just clench my teeth together and really just bite.  I do have to force my lips close...I'm assuming it is because of the splint.  My lips are finally starting not to hurt so much and I'm glad....tired of using Vitamin E and Vaseline 24/7.

So 3 more weeks of the splint and sleeping on the recliner. I find the recliner more comfortable then being propped up on pillows in bed. Plus I found that I would end up laying down and wake up more swollen...I know I read quite a few of you mentioning that too. Even laying on the recliner I tend to sleep on my right a little and that side is more swollen than the left.

All in all, I think I'm doing great! I'm so glad that I had the surgery and SO blessed that my recovery has been better than expected. Got the x-rays from the Dr. last week....I love that my co-worker puts my pics side by side for comparison. When she did the profile one, she was toggling between layers and it looked like the skull was chomping....was way too funny!!!  Which I could post it animated.

It is really weird seeing the screws in my face and the chin plate too.  Glad to see my smile is looking more normal.

Will post a new side by side comparison soon.  Happy week to you all!


  1. Wow, you look great too! I know what you mean about being on an "emotional roller coaster". I feel like that alot!

  2. Wow you look awesome! Good to hear things are going well. I am having a similar surgery, just the lower jaw as far as I know right now. Don't see my surgeon until December so should know for sure then. Take care!

  3. Hey there! Sorry for the delay in look fantastic! You gotta be happy with the results. I hope your recovery is going well! :)
