Wednesday, November 4, 2009

6 weeks Post Op

Well I finally made it!!!!  I had the splint removed on Monday afternoon!  Brushed and flossed like crazy.
Went for my first meal that I was allowed to chew....was disappointing. One because we tried a new restaurant and it wasn't that good. And chewing isn't like it use to be, was very sensitive.

Then Tuesday morning I went to the loose brackets or anything. They gave me my new wire band configuration. Let me tell you my mouth hurts more tonight than it has in 6 weeks.  I think it is so ironic that I can have my entire jaw and chin moved and screws placed in my skull...but go to the Orthodonist and get rubberbands on and my teeth hurt so bad! That's just messed up! Oh well...whatcha gonna do.  And that little plastic thing they give you to put on the rubberbands....worthless.  I'm borrowing the hemostats from the OS.

I am so impressed with my Oral Surgeon and his staff. First of all, Debbie, who does all the insurance, has been such a huge help since the very beginning. They did not accept my insurance and yet she took the time to tell me what steps I needed to take. She was right along side me for the 9 months to 1 year of going back and forth with the insurance company and never gave up!  She is the reason I was able to get the surgery. And Dr. Whitman is probably the best Dr. I have ever had in my whole life. I can text him anytime and he responds. He send me encouraging text messages....I've never heard of a Dr. doing this. I laugh so much when I am at their office. His assistant Felicia has been fabulous, always answering my questions, taking my calls. The BEST customer service I have seen in a long long time and I am so big on customer service!

So still not really chewing, but LOVE having the splint out. And I get to go to the Dentist in the morning (well in a few hours) and get my teeth cleaned....never have I been so happy about that!

Work has been stressful but as soon as I catch a pictures will be up.  How is everybody else? So grateful to have had you all to experience it guys have been a great support. Haven't seen an update from George....hope he is ok!

Will update again soon ;-)


  1. Yey for no splint! I HATED it! your doctor's office sounds awesome. :-)

  2. Yeah, I'm officially jealous of the relationship between you and your doctor's office lol! And yes where IS George? I hope he's okay...

  3. In response to your questions, I'm having considerable pain in my right jaw joint, along with not being able to open half as much as my surgeon would like - also, my jaw doesn't move side to side or back and forth at all.

  4. Hi Jackie,

    I hope you are enjoying your new smile. I am sure it was tough at times but the results more than make up for it. I think it is great when patients decide to blog about their treatment, particularly one as daunting as jaw surgery and ortho treatment, as it can demonstrate to others how successful these kinds of treatment can be. I am sure the results more than make up for the pain and discomfort you must have felt at times during your treatment.

    I am writing to you as I feel your followers could benefit from a link to the which would not only give your followers access to information concerning orthodontic treatment and TMJ disorder but about a whole host of dental treatment.

    The Cosmetic Dentistry Guide is the leading provider of cosmetic dental information online in the UK, and includes a forum as well as an expert answers section, so if you have any questions in the future then feel free to ask.
    Our topics include:

    Orthodontics -
    TMJ Disorder -

    Our homepage is:

    I hope you are enjoying the results.

    Kind regards and keep up the good work with your blog.


  5. It has been a long time since you updated, but I'm sure you're chewing into things by now.

    I just found your blog while looking for fellow orthognathic surgery patients. I just had surgery 11 days ago. It's so amazing to see my smile!

    Hope you're well.
