Tuesday, September 1, 2009

21 days and counting

Well September is here, which means I have 21 days till surgery.  On September 22nd at 5:30a.m., I will be at the hospital getting prepped for surgery.  I have been reading blogs from other people who have gone through the surgery and I have to admit it has made me a little more nervous than I already was. But I have learned a lot to about what to expect, what to ask the Dr. on the 16th, and food ideas.  So I'm taking notes and getting ready. I took my profile pictures today...can't wait to see the after shots. Will post pictures later.


  1. Hey Jackie, can't wait to see how things go for you! My date is on the 16th, so I'll be right there with you as you go through your journey.

  2. Hi Jackie,

    I'm 2 weeks post op and doing quite well. I decided after many years to go ahead with this surgery at the age of 52. I was quite concerned because of my age how I would do but surprised myself with how quickly I recovered. The first day post-op I made breakfast for my husband, fed the cats, sifted the litter box and did a load of laundry. But I have to admit that the first few days are challenging and annoying but you will be surprised with how much better you will feel after a few days. Most of my facial swelling is down but still have quite a bit of numbness and tingling on my lower lip and chin. If you are thin start putting on some weight because it's hard to consume enough calories to maintain your weight. You will do well and will be so happy with your new appearance. Best wishes to you!

  3. Thanks Anonymous!!!! That's the kind of news I want to hear! That's so great that you went ahead and did the surgery! I can't believe you did all that the first day home...that is SO encouragins :) Did you have upper, lower or both? Genio?

    I wish I was thin but I am hoping to jump start my weight loss. I have some really good protein mix and figure at the least I can consume some calories from drinking juice and such.

    Do you work? I have 2 weeks off and I'm hoping that after the 2 weeks I'll be doing as well as you. Are you blogging? Hope to hear more from you...and THANKS SO MUCH for the post...I need that!!!

  4. Jackie, I bought the zip-n-squeeze bags but never ended up using them except for one, and I hated it so much I went back to syringes and sippy cups right away. I ended up mailing mine to another orthoblogger named Melissa. :) So don't worry about them. You don't really need them.

  5. Hey Jackie, good luck for your surgery. I have a surgery date about a month after yours, so I'll be checking back to see how you're doing. I've heard from other people that having just one jaw moved makes a positive difference in recovery time, so I hope for you that's true. :)
