Friday, September 18, 2009

So much to do

So I had my pre-surgical appointment with the Doc on Wednesday. Experienced the Facebow...which wasn't that bad. Got fitted for my splint...that's gonna be rough...six weeks of that thing in my mouth...UGH!  They gave me a goodie bag with syringes, tongue suppressors and the book "Dinner Through A Straw, Without the Straw". And I have my prescriptions filled and ready to go.  Will be in the hospital one to two nights depending on how I feel. After I am released I have to go to the Dr's office (through the back door :) at that time, they will take off my bands, take x-rays and brush my teeth...which kind of freaks me out a little.

I have a lot to do over the weekend.  Gotta go shopping, clean the house and finish the painting I started. Yes, leave it to me to start a painting job or two before major surgery!  I think being so busy is helpful...keeps my mind off of it. I'm confident that it will all be worth it in the end. I'm ready...I've had too long to think about it. I'm grateful for my husband who will be home with me next week to take care of me and for the awesome friends that I have!

1 comment:

  1. Yea, I won't lie the splint does suck...I think about all the things I could be eating if only i didn't have a splint. So far though, I totally think it's worth it, I cannot imagine going through life any longer with such a bad bite. When they take the rubber bands off it is a very strange feeling and I pretty much freaked out, but u get used to it very quickly. Eat a big mac before you go in!!! I want one so bad lol. Good luck with everything, I'm sure it will be great in the end :-)
