Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Few Pics & Sleepless nights.

Post Op - Day One with a little smile ;)

Sent Dr. a text with a couple questions and he came up to check on me...Great Dr.

Looking a little better.  Friday - Day 3 Post op

Haven't uploaded Saturday's Pic - Day 4 Post Op - Didn't look so good..really swollen.

On night two of waking up every two hours...golly that's exhausting! Feeling really tired  Going to take a nap :)


  1. Yaye you made it!! Now all you have to do is concentrate on recovery! You look great!

  2. Nice bruising! I was there a 'separated' pain between your jaw and your chin? Does your chin hurt at all? You've been able to sleep a lot better than me...keep it up!

  3. Yeah, I noticed that the bruising has been showing up on my chest too...I'm so curious as to why it ends up so far down.

    No, my chin doesn't really hurt. I do have pain in my jaw though...I liked it when it was numb better :) I have a very low pain tolerance. So I just keep taken the pain meds and ibuprofen.

    I slept a little better last night, ending up sleeping on the loveseat recliner because the one in the bedroom reclines back much further and I would wake up more swollen and the last time I slept in the bed, I ended up laying down too far.

    Mornings and nights seem to be worse...kind of like a cold.

    I can't believe you still aren't sleeping well. Are you at least able to take lots of naps throughout the day. Can you get a sleep aid from the Dr. My regular Dr. just gave me one before surgery but I'm nervous to take it because I don't know how I'll react with other meds. Will talk to OS tomorrow. Should get the chin bandage off.

    Think I'm doing pretty good so far. Hope that you slept well and that the jerking is stopping.

  4. Good luck in your recovery! :)
